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The Most Effective Approach to
Thank You!!
This program was created for anyone who wants the best way to naturally relieve pain, improve physical performance or relieve stress and exists because of the support, influence and inspiration of so many people. I’d like to thank:
Sammy Blindell at How To Build a Brand for encouraging and challenging me to dream bigger than I ever would have otherwise and for providing opportunities for me to connect with so many other amazing entrepreneurs around the globe who have also influenced the existence of this program.
Lynn Rose, for planting the idea of designing my own program even though at the time I had no clue what that would look like. After only a year I finally figured it out!
John F. Barnes, whose teachings have changed my life in ways I never thought possible and are changing the world immeasurably.
The work of Louise Hay, Byron Katie, Caroline Myss, Abraham Hicks, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. Peter Levine, Brene Brown, Ido Portal, Greg Glassman , Dr. David Berceli, Wim Hof and Dr. Moshe Feldendkrais that has provided a valuable education beyond what I could ever have learned in school.
Paula Kent (cousin, friend and amazing therapist) for inspiring the direction of my career path in so many ways and supporting me and challenging me to examine myself on a regular basis and the many ‘hot tub’ sessions in which we envisioned our dreams.
Sean Adderley, friend, fellow therapist and go-to guy for tech-related stuff (also the camera guy for most of the videos!) for all the treatment and great conversations.
Carole Huston, Bodytalk Practitioner, who also challenged and supported me to dream big and let go.
Bobby Kwasny for teaching me everything you know about training and providing a space for me to find my passion for CrossFit, heavy lifting and coaching.
All the friends and fellow athletes I’ve had the pleasure of training with and coaching – there are too many to list here but you know who you are!
All of my clients (also too many to list) but you are a big reason for designing this program and have provided so many opportunities for me to learn and grow as a therapist.
My group of friends who agreed to be the testers of this program (Monster, Tdog, Sonic, Audra) thanks for the inspiration and the feedback!
All of the therapists with whom I’ve been fortunate enough to have worked. I’ve learned from each and every one of you!
And finally, my parents for always providing a safety net even when you didn’t understand my chosen path.
Thank you all for your contribution towards the creation of Feel Better Now! and Elite Performance Therapy.